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Oil Free Fries

Whole Food Plant Based : Vegan : Sugar Free : Oil Free : Kid Approved






Russet Potatoes (2 per each side dish portion)

3 TBSP Nutritional Yeast

1 TSP Salt (optional)

1 TSP Pepper

1 TSP Turmeric

1 TBSP Rosemary

1 TBSP Smoked Paprika

1/4 Cup Whole Wheat Bread Crumbs




  1. Preheat oven to 425F

  2. Cut your potatoes into desired shape. We make chunks for brunch potatoes and steak-cut for suppers. We prefer skins on but you can peel them if you like.

  3. In a microwave safe bowl rinse the potatoes and allow to soak for about ten minutes. 

  4. While the potatoes are soaking prep the coating mix.  In a small jar combine all the coating ingredients. I store the excess in an recycled spice shaker to use next time.

  5. Once the potatoes have soaked drain the water off. Put them in a microwave for 4 minutes. Remove and flip them around. Microwave another 4 minutes.

  6. Remove them from the microwave and sprinkle them with the coating mix.

  7. Place on parchment paper or silicon mat lined baking sheets. Lay them in a single layer not touching if possible. 

  8. Bake for 40-50 minutes.




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